Our Team


Jeanie James

Jeanie has over 30 years experience in business and R/E development accounting, having worked in both private companies and public accounting. She has a passion for business, teaching, and creativity, having also home schooled children for 12 years, taught Rhetoric level English and Literature, written and published numerous classical education study guides for English and Culturative History, developed and ran a successful youth entrepreneurship program, founded The MakerBarn - a community nonprofit makerspace, and is currently developing an arts & business community space in Magnolia. Jeanie Jeanie is currently a partner at Woodforest Construction and also runs a roofing company with her husband.


Mark Cole

Mark Cole is an attorney, educator, husband to Shona and father of six.  He has six graduate degrees, including a PhD in the history of ideas and has taught Great Books for many years. He is a lover of the arts and loves helping Montgomery County be a place where creativity, community and the arts flourish.

Shona Cole 

With a masters in psychology Shona worked with the homeless at Star of Hope in Houston prior to having her six children and moving to Magnolia to homeschool them with husband, Mark Cole. A native of Dublin, Ireland, Shona worked for many years as a mixed media artist for with Stampington & Co., culminating in publishing her craft book “The Artistic Mother” in 2010 and novel “Gala” in 2012. Since 2013 she has acted as manager and photographer for YouTuber and digital creator, Annie Rose. Shona has been developing the concept of an artistic gathering place over the past 10 years and is excited to be back painting and working at The Grounds 1488’.


Jessie Stevens

Artist – Teacher – Entrepreneur.  Jessie, aka Miss Marvelle, is a creative and passionate soul dedicated to bringing out those very same characteristics her students and community. From a young age, she has been constantly enticing entrepreneurial endeavors that revolved around building community, her love of teaching, and creating art in many forms. With her can do attitude and absolute faith, Jessie is an inspiration to students and all who meet her. She has overcome her own fear of failure and so encourages us that failure is just a teacher; a stepping stone on the way to success. #LetsBeArtists

Cody Stevens

Cody has a passion for the art of Storytelling. While his economics degree may not reflect this, he has engaged in creative writing, film, video game design and various 3D/2D art forms for years. His business pursuits have him lead to start a small business which he continues to grow in hopes that it can support his creative interests full time. Cody recently fell in love with Jessie, his wife, who shares similar passions and has an even more developed vision for what a community of creative people can become. Through dedication and faith, Cody believes The Grounds will become a catalyst for transformation in the community for many years to come.


Madeleine Frost

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